A bequest for medical research is a gift for the entire Finnish nation

Finnish medical research advances our country’s medicine and healthcare, helping us to prepare for future challenges. Research impacts the life of each and every one of us.

A private individual can make a bequest in favour of the Foundation. Through these donations, we support and advocate for medical research conducted in Finland.

Supporting medical research is important because without high-quality research, there is no high-quality healthcare. The research we fund advances medicine and healthcare, thus impacting the life of everyone living in Finland.

By leaving a gift in your will, you can be ensured that a portion of your assets is used for the common good. In your will, you can determine the proportion you wish to donate. You can designate your gift to be allocated to a specific area of medical research.

Creating a will is not difficult, but to be valid, a will must meet certain formal requirements. You can write a will yourself or together with a lawyer. For legal questions related to wills and donations, the law firms recommended by the Foundation can be contacted free of charge.

Gifts in wills are exempt from taxation, so they can be used in full to support medical research. In the past decade, we have supported medical research in university hospitals and universities with over 20 million euros. Overall, we annually fund approximately 150 researchers from all fields of medicine.

By supporting research, we give researchers the opportunity to make a difference and advance Finnish healthcare. We are grateful for every donation.

For legal questions related to wills and donations, the law firms recommended by the Foundation can be contacted free of charge. Read more in Finnish here.

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